The Girl Of Summer

[Originally written on Friday, July 9, 1999 10:28 p.m. Portland, Oregon]

It was the top of the seventh and final inning. The score was tied. I certainly hadn’t helped my team of public relations and communications professionals: 3 times at bat, and I had only gotten to first base once.

I was in my usual position in right field. Deep in right field.

The bases were loaded. There were two outs. Any runs scored by Them would put Us in the position of catch-up during our last time at bat. We simply HAD to hold them.

She was up. The one from their team who looked innocent enough. But she was strong, and had hit a double during the 4th.

The count was full.
This was IT.
Pitch. Swing. CONNECT!
There it was, in its clear trajectory up, up, and over the heads of the pitcher and the first baseman. It was clearly coming right to ME! I had it in sight.
I knew JUST where it was and where it was going. I trotted up to it from my position in waaaay-out right field.

I stopped. Put my glove up. Felt the ball plop in there. Raised my right arm ensuring that it stayed in there. Brought both arms down and looked in my glove. I STILL HAD THE BALL!!!!! I had caught the fly and They were
O – U – T –- OUT!!!!!

I had saved the game! Instead of schlumping back to the bench, everyone was running toward ME! Shouts, slaps, high fives, hugs, and even A LIFT UP!!! I had caught the winning out! WE WON!!!

It was a moment in time. I now know how they all feel. All the really great ones. Aw, shucks. It was nuthin’. Yeah, but… it was REALLY SOMETHIN’.
I had performed above expectations and it was fun.

And, it was proof positive of an adage made true:
wonders really never do cease.


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