
What do these three statements have in common?

  1. You can’t argue with California’s humidity-free weather, Italian food,
    the Beatles and Matisse.
  2. You can have absolutely everything in your life, just not all at once.
  3. Time is all at once. (Which seems to contradict #2. Discuss.)

What they have in common is that my friends are sick of hearing me say these things. And yet those same people can watch “The Godfather” trilogy every single year over New Year’s weekend on AMC and then go around for weeks saying “Leave the gun. Take the cannolis.” and never tire of hearing themselves say that. Go figure.

White is my favorite color.
I also like yellow, which is said to be the favorite color of geniuses
and lunatics.
If there is a line between those two, it’s very fine.

Both of my parents were born in New York City.
For reasons beyond my control, I was born in Tucson, Arizona.
For the first 41 years of my life, my father told me that I was the only person he had ever known who was born west of Pennsylvania.

When I was 41, I gave birth to my son in Portland, Oregon.
Then Daddy knew two.

Methods of personal expression that combine emotions and movement:

To add to cry-driving and moan-walking, we now have wail dancing.
I took a class at Body Moves which was really quite wonderful, once inhibited types like me let go. The first part was joyful movement, the second part included vocal wailing and accompanying moves, the third part was transcendence. I didn’t stay for the third part. Guess I am not ready to rise above.

After 17 years of disciplined ballet, and never having taken such a hippy dippy class before, I am proud of myself. Yes, I wailed. For my late father.
It felt wonderful. And I didn’t give a fig about anyone else in the room, although I did fear I might actually be mistaken for a whale dancing.


Now read this


He had a quiet knack for turning the present into the future. That’s what life is, isn’t it? Doing something now that will result in what happens next? Like playing Jenga. Building a structure, keeping things in balance as we watch it... Continue →