PS to previously posted News

I realize that “kvetching” does not seem to be a correct modifier for “dreck.”
I realize that crap does not usually complain about itself. Which is exactly why I thought it was such a great, juicy pairing.

See what I mean?

AND, by writing this, I get to write an alliterated headline, which is always a pleasure. My favorite dictionary example is “Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.” I think I like it best because it is absolutely impossible for me to roll my “r’s”, so I sound like a Brooklynite when I try pursing my lips (also not possible for me: not enough upper lip) when what that sentence needs is a veddy propah English gentleman of the type who would be cast as a stereotypical/comic/annoying, but indispensable, butler.

“Stand by Me” just came on. I love this movie. One year for Halloween Jesse dressed as Wil Wheaton in his role as Wesley Crusher on “Star Trek, The Next Generation”, which we watched faithfully. Jesse and Wil were both so purely gorgeous and so similar. It was an inspired choice of persona for Jesse to choose. Wil Wheaton’s role in “Stand by Me” allows him to retain his ability to play unusually sensitive, yet very young male roles, although I don’t know which came first, this movie or the TV show. I would say the movie led to the TV show, but I don’t know and am willing to let it remain a mystery rather than Google something for the maybe 20th time today. Every day. LOVE Googling. In any event, in both of my associations with Wil Wheaton he was coming of age. I wonder how that went for him. Maybe, maybe, I’ll Google it. But here’s the dilemma:

If I Google it, I will be admitting that I can’t restrain myself from doing so.
If I Google it, I will be learning something I want to know, even if I only want to know it just a little bit, rather than thirsting for knowledge.

Which of those two is more important to me? And why? Phew. Heavy….


Now read this


Yesterday, one of my colleagues from the Columbia Pike Artist Studios joined me as we walked to the Thai grocery store downstairs from CPAS to get some lunch. On our way, we told one another the unusual dreams we had each had the night... Continue →