It ain’t over ‘til…

Last night’s Oscar awards show was the best ever. Truly dignified, well produced, funny, clever (candy from heaven?!) the awards pretty much all went to the correct recipients who spoke with equal parts of heart and intelligence. AND as a grand finale, they staged Hollywood’s version of
fake news!

“La La La…….” No….wait…… “Moonliiiiiiiiiiiii…..”

It’s such an absurdly bad ending to an otherwise great script that it would never have been green-lighted by anyone sitting in that audience, or anywhere else.

The best thing about it is that it will give the late night comedians new and different material as a refreshing change from what they’ve had to work with in the last many months.

So: THANK YOU, HOLLYWOOD!!!! Could only happen in the real La La Land.


Now read this

L.A. is a great big freeway

Johnny Carson used to joke that the 405 freeway is a parking lot going 70 miles an hour. To the uninitiated, it is all that and worse: when driving 70 miles an hour bumper to bumper on an unfamiliar road, one can barely if ever read the... Continue →