If it says so on the internet…

This is my online horoscope for today:

“Jun 14, 2016
Life in general has been feeling like it has been in a bit of a rut for you lately, Leo. And today the energy arrives that gives you the motivation to feel like it’s about time you change all of that. And you should! When you do that today, Leo, you are going to set off a chain reaction that is the kind of reaction that is what amazing memories that last a lifetime are made of.”

OMG!!! I gasped air in, teared up, put my hands to heart, closed my eyes, leaned back, exhaled and let my body wrack a little with could-it-really-be-true? cautious joy. “…amazing memories that last a lifetime…” My favorite things!!!! More soberly, I then wondered: “What do I have to do to allow this to happen?” Then, “What should I NOT do?”

All this before 9:00 in the morning, after voting for Erik Gutshall for Arlington County Board and mailing a belated anniversary card to Nancy and Alan. What to do now? What to do? And, what NOT to do?

I have decided that the very best thing to do is to let it be.
Thanks, Sir Pauly.

I have also decided to let a smile be my umbrella. It can’t hurt. Right?


Now read this


Mother was always threatening apoplexy. Although I only had a vague notion of what that is, I was certain that it was serious, painful, and that whatever it was that I was doing that caused her to threaten it, I had better stop doing it.... Continue →