If I ever have a litter of beagles

I will name them
Snoopy (of course)
Poochy (for Jeanne)
Schmaltzy and

If I ever have a beagle/Jack Russell mix - all white except for
an occasional large beige polka dot, her name will be
**Maria Andrèa Sophia Luçia Young Gerard

“The most beautiful sound I ever heard: **"Maria.”
“Tony, Tony…”

“Only you, you’re the only thing I’ll see forever. In my eyes, in my words,
and in everything I do, nothing else but you, ever.” “Tony, Tony…”

“Only you, every sight I’ll ever see, everywhere I go you’ll be. You and me.”

“Tony, Tony…”

Such a dog will be a welcome companion.


Now read this


I went to the movies this morning and was greatly touched by “Lion.” Yes, because it was a “true” story well told, with the good guys clearly demarcated from the bad guys. And yes, because I am a softie. But mostly, I think, because I... Continue →