Headlines and subheads

MY LIFE WRIT BRIEF, AND FREQUENTLY (in the guise of titles)

Everything’s right with the world
If you don’t ask for details

Ants Have Six Legs: Arachnids Have Eight
Is more better?

“I had a Hasselblad.”
Trust me: it’s a real conversation starter.

You can’t help who you love

The fifth note is sol.
Observations on music, sun worship, my grandpa, who was a catch, and the essence of being paid to be perfect

Quality control for the universe
And other job titles
A memoir

Late bloomers, early shorts.
Stories of varying lengths and purposes

Pieces torn from the stories of my life.

Bits ripped from an ordinary life stuck together with dried up glitter glue.

Revelation knows not the rules of propriety

One tiny piece of baby blue satin.
Stories of letting go.

Act as if.
Truth will out

OK, I’m perfect.
Now will you love me?

& other mis-identified items that disappear into thin air

Command Z
Undoing life in the 21st century

Erosion of confidence.
Life stories

Ensembles, outfits and get-ups:
Putting pieces together

Collage, Montage and Decoupage:
Putting pieces together.

Lay out:
The art of placing pieces just so

Not a novel.

Stories from a life that jumped up and bit me when I least expected it, like a little white yappy dog on my last day of vacation in Sunny Isles, Florida 2012

Times is all at once.
Always, once

Drowning in Diebenkorn then coming up for air:
An artist survives despite all the inspiration

Kvells and huzzahs
There is so little to remember about anyone.

“Do as I say, not as I do” and a sledgehammer:
Tricks and tools for child raising

Misspellings, misunderstandings, misspent utes.
A first un-novel non-fiction

Nothing real about it, and yet it lasts and lasts until it cracks open and all its guts come out where everyone can see them

I Should Have Been More Specific.
Love stories

It’s only an ordeal if it ends.
Otherwise, it’s just life.


Now read this

Then and still

My grandparents’ house was on 77th Street in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. They owned the house and lived upstairs, rented the downstairs. The layout was a typical townhouse: a long series of connected rooms until it got to the bedrooms and... Continue →