Erev Inaugural [it means: “Inaugural Eve”

I think I’ve lost my grip on reality.
Being a woman, I am inclined to blame it on myself.
“This must be punishment for something I did long ago that was really bad even though I can’t remember what it was.”

But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel in my head. It keeps blinking, “Blame it on Trump”, “Blame it on Trump”. And his tsunami of mendacity.

In the interest of self-survival, I choose to obey the sign blinking in the light at the end of the tunnel, and blame him.

Which means that it isn’t ME who has lost touch with reality. My vision is clear: I am simply looking at an unreal situation and filing it correctly in my brain. Reality is now a term that needs to be defined in order to be discussed.

My grip is fine, I’m happy to say.
It’s reality that’s lost its grip.
And we are involved witnesses/victims.

Brave on, Us! Brave on, We The People! Keep our collective “institutional” memory alive! Like the survivors in the forest in “Fahrenheit 451” who each memorize an entire piece of world literature and spend their remaining lives wandering around reciting that book aloud – so it will not be forgotten. Like that, it is our collective consciousness of what WE know to be reality that must be preserved. So that when we are free to breathe actual air again we can re-combine our collective consciousness and remember what is decent, true, generous, fun, hopeful, wise, healthy and valuable… REALLY.
I think we’ll remember. But we must be vigilant.

And we must keep in mind that although perception is reality, it is not necessarily the truth. And it’s the truth we need to dredge up,
put a spit-shine on, treasure and remember. Just like “never again.”
The truly true truth.


Now read this

Call me Al

I lived in New York. Therefore, I took acting class. Yes, that, along with seeing a shrink, are - I believe, required credentials for residing on the island that lies within the bridges and tunnels. As it is required, I “took class.” (“... Continue →